Eddie Took Away His Kids Walkie Talkies After Hearing Truckers

Santa brought Eddie's kids walkie talkies for Christmas.

The boys were really excited about them and have been using them in the neighborhood lately. After two days of playing with them, Eddie overheard another voice on the walkie talkie that wasn't one of his kids. Eddie took the walkie talkies and investigated. He says the walkie talkies are so good now that they can actually talk to truckers. He overheard the truckers being confused and asked who was farting.

That's when Eddie took the walkie talkies away from his boys potentially for good. He doesn't want his kids talking to strangers, especially adult ones. He also doesn't want them overhearing "truck driver talk." Bobby thinks Eddie is thinking too much into the "what ifs" but Amy said that's what a parent does. Bobby added that he should give the boys back their walkie talkies and just put boundaries in place so they're not talking to them and Amy agreed with that idea. Lunchbox didn't think it was a big deal because it's something they would have done as kids. He thinks Eddie is being a helicopter parent in this scenario and shouldn't be ruining the harmless fun.

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