Bobby Bones Show Ask Anything Chats

Bobby Bones Show Ask Anything Chats

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Morgan Questioned How to Handle This Particular Spa Situation

Morgan wanted to get the Bobby Bones Show's opinion on a spa scenario to see if she was making the right judgement call.

She went to a new place to get a facial done. When they took her back to the room, they told her she could change and put on the robe. Morgan was wearing comfortable clothing, but wasn't sure with the robe situation if she should be totally naked or in a reverse Winnie the Pooh situation. Since they were only working on her face, being fully naked felt weird, but also being clothed under a robe felt even more bizarre. So Morgan opted to take off her clothing to put the robe on and get the facial done.

The employee working on Morgan for the facial never commented on the situation, but Morgan wasn't sure if she made the right call. She wanted to see what other people do for whenever she goes back again.

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